Open Mo-Fr 9-16

Requirements for the program

Why is the program designated just for full-time students at universities?

This is required by US Goverment as official student exange program

I study in Poland, but don’t have the Polish citizenship – is it possible for me to travel with you to the USA?

Yes, it is, you will apply for the program in the country, of your studies.

Can I apply, if I am accepted into the university, but am in my last year of middle school??

No, you need to be at least in the first year of your university studies.

Can I go to the Work and Travel program being in my last year of study?

Not only you can , but you should! This is the easiest way to go to legal work in the USA. After graduation it is much harder to go to work in USA.

Program options and employment choosing

I’m contemplating between work options in the USA, how to make the best decision?

If you’d like to work on the beach with the sun shining over you, then lifeguarding is the ideal option. If you prefer working in restaurants and shops, check out our online catalogue and choose from the many offered job positions. Need a hand with the decision-making? Contact us!

Pre-course, course and lifeguarding

Is the work of a lifeguard difficult, what comes with it?

The work of a pool lifeguard is not difficult. The duties of a lifeguard include: keep the swimming pool and its surroundings clean, issue of sun loungers and, above all, watch over the people staying at the pool.

What is the pre-course about ?

Your tasks will be: 100 meters breaststroke, 100 meters crawl and 100 meters swimming without any time limit. Fishing out a 5-kilo brick, put it on your chest and swim back without using your arms. Have a talk in English with the instructor of the course, to know your English level. Next stop – the course!

What if i did not pass pre course ?

Nothing lost, you can always repeat it in the near future! ;-)

Is the pre-course and course same for pool and beach lifeguards ?

Yes, but beach lifeguards have to swim 500 meters crawl under 10 minutes. During the year, every beach lifeguard sends a video of the 500-meter swim to the coordinator of the program, to make sure you are ready for this kind of job. You won’t be employed, if you won’t fulfill the 500-meters swim.

Scared of the lifeguard course – there’s nothing to worry about!

It’s a three-day course, where you’ll have a lot of fun with our instructors. We will teach you everything, what is needed to work as a lifeguard.

Can I work as a lifeguard, if I wear contact lenses/glasses?

Yes of course, everything will be manageable with contact lenses.

How can I prepare myself for the pre-course and course, to pass successfully?

Train! Swim and dive (at least 4 meters deep) regularly.

CV, video, interview

Can I send you my own CV ?

No, we have our own CV template. There are all needed information for the employer, you can download it in the Enjoy account or we’ll send it to you through an email.

Do I have to have the video, even though my employer doesn’t require it?

No, you don’t. We don’t require one, if the employer does not either. The video is an interesting way, how your employer can get to know you better.

When there is CV, Skype and video, do I have to undergo all of it or I can choose?

You have to take part in all of it, the employer chooses employees very carefully.


If the employer doesn’t provide accommodation in the USA, can I arrange it by myself?

Most of the employers do provide accommodation for the students. If the accommodation is not included in the job offer or employment contract, then you can arrange your own.

Do I pay the rent beforehand from Poland or in the USA?

The total amount of the rent will be divided by the number of your pays – it will be automatically deducted. In some cases, a housing deposit will be needed to pay.

How much does it cost in the USA?

It depends on the location and quality of the accommodation. Usually it’s between 75 and 125 USD per week.

Fly Ticket

Why do we have to have changeable flight tickets?

You never know what can happen – health, family, school problems can occur. That’s why it’s good to have them. Thanks to that, you then can change your flight time or the place of your arrival. It is also a requirement of the Work and Travel program.

Can i buy the flight ticket with your assistance ?

Of course, we are to help you with that.

Visiting the embassy of USA

How likely is it for me to get the visa ?

The chance of getting them is high but it always depends form the US konsul. The requirements are set and we accept students, who meet them. You will get all of the instructions about doing the paperwork and arranging an appointment from us, you just need to follow them. Before the visit of the embassy, you’ll come to us and we’ll check if everything is right and ready. Then it’s your turn to answer some questions, give your fingerprints and everything will be done.

How do I arrange an appointment at the embassy and when?

The visa sponsor will approve and issue you the DS-2019 form, after that we will send you all the instructions about arranging an appointment and applying for the visa.

I am really nervous from my visit at the embassy, what do I do?

Calm yourself, there is no need to be stressed. The appointment with the ambassador will be a 5-minute talk, usually about your studies, work in the USA. The wait before, can be very stressful, but there’s nothing to worry about, you will have all the things checked-out and ready with you.

The agency appealed on me to arrange an appointment at the embassy, way too soon before my departure, I don’t have the time now, because I am busy with school.

You shouldn’t delay the visit; a lot of things can happen during that time. It’s better to go sooner, than later. Busy season at the embassy starts in the beginning of April and the busiest time is in May, there might be a possibility you would wait for hours. (In 2015 during May and June visas weren’t provided worldwide for three weeks, but just 50 of our students had to deal with departure problems, thanks to the early appointments).

Life in USA

How much cash should I bring with me?

We recommend you to take 500- 1000 USD, a part of it can be in your bank account, but you should take at least 500 USD in cash.

What is the average pay ?

It’s from 7,25 as minimum wage to higher rates, 15 USD as everage per hour. Employments where you get tips, usually have a lower pay.


What is the grace period? Why is my visa valid just until my End Date?

Work visa are valid until the End Date. After it you have 30 days (Grace Period), for travelling around the USA, that isn’t written in the visas. You should insure yourself for the time before the begging of your job and after.

If I want to travel outside of the USA during my stay, what do I need ?

You need an approval from your visa sponsor, to whom you’ll send your DS-2019. The visa sponsor will fill in the date of leaving and return it back.

Can I miss school and come back after the start of the semester ?

No, because the application for the J-1 visa can be refused. One of the requirements is to return back to school at the right time.

Are you interested in this program? Sign up for the program

Do you have any questions?

Contact programme coordinator:

FAQ – frequently asked questions


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